In today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing industry, staying up to date with the latest technologies and processes is crucial to remaining competitive. Upskilling in the manufacturing industry has become a necessity for both companies and employees to keep pace with the ever-changing demands of the industry.
THORS recognizes this need and offers a range of courses that can help you enhance your knowledge and skills in various areas of manufacturing. From manufacturing to quality, and from materials to systems, THORS offers comprehensive courses that can equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to thrive in your manufacturing career.
Explore how THORS can help you upskill in the manufacturing industry and stay competitive.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
THORS offers technical courses in manufacturing that can help you stay ahead of the curve by keeping you up to date with the latest technologies and trends. For example, taking gear courses can help you to gain knowledge about the latest technologies, materials, and processes used in gear manufacturing, allowing you to stay up to date with industry trends and advancements.
Sharpen Your Skills
THORS can help you sharpen your skills if you are working in the manufacturing industry. For instance, learning the basics of automation can help you understand how to use computer-controlled machines to reduce production time and costs, while courses on the basics of bolted joints can teach you about fastening techniques used in the industry.

Master Your Craft
THORS can help you master your craft by providing in-depth knowledge about specific manufacturing processes. For example, advanced courses on cylindrical grinding can help you refine your skills and learn new techniques. You will learn how to analyze the process, choose the right wheel, and optimize parameters for better results. Mastering these skills can increase productivity, reduce cycle time, and improve finished product quality.
Add New Skills to Your Resume
THORS can help you add new skills to your resume, making you more marketable in the manufacturing industry. For example, taking the Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) course can teach you the principles and processes of Total Quality Management (TQM) and how to apply them to your work. By mastering these skills, you can stand out in a competitive job market and be an asset to any manufacturing organization.

Rise to the Occasion
THORS can help you rise to the occasion in the manufacturing industry by providing the tools you need to succeed. For example, if you are working in human resources, taking manufacturing courses can help you feel more confident in hiring, training, and managing teams within the manufacturing sector. This can lead to a more efficient and effective workforce, ultimately improving the success of your company.
Unlock Your Potential
THORS can help you unlock your potential by expanding the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve success in your career. For instance, if you are a purchasing professional that takes manufacturing courses, you will find the courses help you to make informed decisions that benefit both you and your organization. These courses can provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage purchasing processes, negotiate with suppliers, and reduce costs.

Build a Solid Foundation
THORS can help you to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills. For example, taking courses on polymer basics or powder metallurgy basics can provide you with a strong understanding of these specific areas of the industry. By mastering the foundational concepts, you can gain insights into the principles that govern these fields and their applications in manufacturing.
Expand Your Horizons
THORS can help you to expand your horizons by gaining access to content created by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with profound knowledge and experience in their respective fields. This can allow individuals to learn from SMEs from different regions or countries, gaining a broader perspective on the industry.

Carve Your Niche
THORS can help you carve out your niche in the manufacturing industry by providing specialized knowledge about a particular field or process. For instance, taking courses on composite basics can help you become an expert in the field. By mastering the knowledge of composite materials, you can differentiate yourself from others in the industry and pursue career opportunities that require this specialized knowledge.
Build a Bright Future
THORS can help you build a bright future by providing you with the knowledge and skills to advance your career in the manufacturing industry. By staying up to date with the latest technologies and trends, improving your skills, and adding new skills to your resume, you can position yourself for long-term success in the industry.

In conclusion, THORS offers technical education courses that can provide you with valuable knowledge and skills to help you stay competitive and succeed in the manufacturing industry. Whether you want to stay ahead of the curve, sharpen your skills, or build a solid foundation, THORS has courses to help you reach your full potential and achieve your career goals. Remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to technical education. Take the plunge and enroll in one of our courses today!