Manufacturing training can be effective when relevant, flexible, and engaging.

6 common misconceptions about training

Training is one of the most important tools for growing in one’s chosen career. Participating in continued learning and career advancement training programs will ensure you are at the top of your game. However, people engaged in their routine work schedule are not always very receptive to training. This is because they do not see training to be useful or how it could benefit them in the long term.

It is worth disbelieving some of the misconceptions associated with training and learning. Here’s a list of the six most common misconceptions about training.

 #1 Formal, expert-led training is more effective

While formal, face-to-face, instructor-led training programs have a place in professional development, there is no evidence to support that they are more effective. A teacher-led training can be beneficial to instruct large groups of people in a short period of time. But unless that knowledge is connected meaningfully to their real-life learning needs, trainees are unlikely to remember and apply this knowledge. This type of training lacks a personalized touch and may work only for technical topic-related training. 

#2 Distance-delivered learning can’t really match face-to-face options

This misconception also doesn’t hold true anymore, as more people are going for distance learning or eLearning programs. They offer a flexible study option for people who can’t commit to full-time study. And with the support of efficient technology, these online or distance learning courses can be as productive as in-person training. However, some topics are better for online or distance-delivered learning experiences over others.

#3 Learning styles are important

There is no scientific evidence to support that people acquire information more effectively if it is presented to them in their preferred learning style. Since it’s not usually possible to provide tailored training to each learning style in a classroom, this is a misconception. Research suggests that new trainees learn better from studying examples, whereas those with experience learn better by solving problems themselves. Many leading experts believe learning can be improved by combining different activities.

#4 Attention spans are shrinking

Another prevalent misconception is that our attention spans are limited to “x minutes”. Attention spans may vary, depending on the freshness of the content, and degree of interest in the topic of training. People remember what they have learned according to two things that happen inside their mind—attention and thinking. In other words, people will remember what they pay attention to, and what causes them to think. It is quite possible for a person undergoing training to retain more from a lecture than actually doing an exercise.

#5 Experienced workers don’t need training

Training is not a one-time event, it’s an ongoing process. Regardless of where you are in your career and regardless of where you want to go, you should always be actively opting for courses and training programs for both professional and personal growth. Novices look up to veterans, who may be great role models. Set a good example to the younger generation by making learning a part of your everyday activities.

#6 Training doesn’t affect turnover

Training is rarely seen as one of the reasons for increase in employee turnover. However, it is an important factor. Poor quality induction training during the onboarding process may give new hires a negative impression of their jobs. With existing employees, a lack of development opportunities may spur them to look for a job in which they will feel more appreciated. Replacing workers is expensive; investing in training can engage employees and help with turnover, and, thus, reduce that expense. Those employers who invest most in their workforce are able to hire, retain, and develop the most effective, productive, and motivated employees.

These are some of the many myths about training and learning methods that limit their effectiveness. Through the wrong selection of training methods, as a result of believing these training myths, we limit what learners are able to learn during training as well as what they are able to perform afterwards. Hence, training must cover relevant critical skills, involve up-to-date learning technologies and techniques, be flexible enough to revolve around current operations, and contribute to the workers’ personal development.

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