THORS eLearning Solutions

Composite Basics


The Composite Basics course is a materials course that covers basic composite information on creating a composite, and how composites are designed.
Learning Hours: 3

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Course Description

The Composite Basics course is a materials course that covers basic composite information on creating a composite, and how composites are designed. Part design covers all aspects of materials, fabrication methods, operating environs, and surrounding structure protection. Material selections are also presented, to include matrix types, material forms and core materials.

Learning Hours: 3

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Who will benefit from this Composite course?

Anyone in design engineering, quality, manufacturing engineering, sales, purchasing; anyone without basic composites knowledge.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Composite Basics

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Define “composite.”
  2. List the different materials used to create composites.
  3. Name the different types of composites and give examples.
  4. Describe the four aspects of part design.
  5. Describe part materials in terms of matrix types, material forms, core materials, and sealants.
Composite sealant being applied.
Composite Basics

Table of Contents

  1. Creating a Composite
    1. Composites Versus Metals
    2. Materials
      1. Reinforcements
        1. Fibers
        2. Whiskers
        3. Particulates
      2. Prepreg
        1. Tape
        2. Fabric
      3. Matrixes
    3. Process
    4. Composites
  2. Part Design
    1. Materials Selection
      1. Material Allowables
      2. Design Allowables
      3. Material Properties
      4. Laminate Types
        1.   Anisotropic
        2.   Isotropic
        3.   Quasi-Isotropic
        4.   Orthotropic
    2. Fabrication Methods
      1. Reference Axis
      2. Angle Ply
      3. Fiber Direction
      4. Ply Orientation
      5. Areal Weight
      6. Stack Up
      7. Balanced Laminate
    3. Operating Environment
      1. Impacts on Part Material
        1. Viscosity
        2. Glass Transition Temperature
      2. Load Types
        1. Transverse Direction
        2. Out-of-Plane Direction
        3. Composite Strength Types
    4. Protection of Surrounding Structures
      1. Galvanic Corrosion
      2. Faying Surface
  3. Part Materials
    1. Morphology
    2. Matrix Types
      1. Polymer Matrix Composites
      2. Metal Matrix Composites
      3. Ceramic Matrix Composites
    3. Hybrid Composites
    4. Material Forms
      1. Compounds
      2. Powder Prepreg
      3. Fiber Forms
        1. Continuous Fibers
        2. Discontinuous Fibers
      4. Fabric Forms
        1. Woven Fabric Form
        2. Unidirectional Fabric Form
        3. Braided Fabric Form
        4. Knitted Fabric Form
        5. Hybrid Fabric Form
        6. Dry Fabric Form
        7. Wet Fabric Form
    5. Core Materials
      1. Core Material Types
      2. Hexagonal Core Types
      3. Honeycomb Core Materials
    6. Bonding Agents
      1. Adhesives
        1. Adhesive by Form
        2. Adhesive by Composition
        3. Adhesive by Load Carrying Ability
      2. Sealants

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