THORS eLearning Solutions

Cupola Furnace Operations


The Cupola Furnace Operations course aims to provide cupola operators and other interested individuals a basic understanding of the cupola furnace and how it operates.
Learning Hours: 4

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Course Description

The Cupola Furnace Operations course aims to provide cupola operators and other interested individuals a basic understanding of the cupola furnace and how it operates. This course focuses on the melting process of the cupola, its method of heat transference, as well as the chemical reactions and gas reactions that occur within the furnace. There is also an examination of cupola turnaround procedures, operating procedures, and control tests that should be performed to run the cupola efficiently and consistently.

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Who will benefit from this Cupola Furnace Operations course?

Foundries that operate cupolas; Organizations that sell raw materials and equipment, or offer services for cupolas.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Cupola Furnace Operations

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the zones of the cupola and describe what occurs in each.
  2. Understand the principles of heat exchange and the chemical and gas reactions in the cupola.
  3. Breakdown and discuss the heat turnaround and campaign turnaround processes.
  4. Recognize and explain the operating procedures used to improve the cupola’s efficiency.
  5. Distinguish between the control tests and understand their importance.
Cupola Furnace Operations

Table of Contents

  1. The Cupola Process
    1. The Melting Process in the Cupola Zones
      1. Preheating Zone
      2. Melting Zone
      3. Reduction Zones
      4. Oxidation or Combustion Zone
      5. Well Zone
    2. Heat Transfer
    3. Chemical Reactions
    4. Gas Reactions in the Oxidation Zone
  2. Cupola Turnaround
    1. Heat Turnaround
    2. Campaign Turnaround
      1. Draining the Trough
      2. Quenching the Cupola
      3. Dropping the Cupola Bottom
      4. Chipping and Patching the Cupola
      5. Making the Cupola Bottom
      6. Preparing the Coke Bed
        1. Igniting the Coke Bed
        2. Measuring the Coke Bed
  3. Operating Procedures
    1. Cupola Procedures
      1. Preparation
        1. Equipment Checks
        2. Purchased Material
        3. Construction
        4. Coke Bed
        5. Cupola Patching
        6. Cupola Bottom
      2. Fill-Up
      3. Start of Melt
      4. Operating
      5. Shutdown
    2. Melting Records
      1. Raw Material Log
      2. Daily Charge Calculation
      3. Cupola Log
  4. Control Tests
    1. Metal Tests
      1. Temperature Measurement
      2. Cooling Curve Analysis
        1. Sampling
        2. Pouring a Cooling Curve Sample
      3. Chill and Wedge Tests
        1. Sample Type
        2. Sample Size
        3. Sampling
        4. Pouring a Chill or Wedge Sample
      4. Chemical Analysis (Metal)
    2. Slag Tests
      1. Slag Appearance
        1. Sampling
        2. Evaluation
      2. Chemical Analysis (Slag)

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