THORS eLearning Solutions

Cupola Furnace Fundamentals


The Cupola Furnace Fundamentals course provides learners a comprehensive overview of the basic elements of a cupola.
Learning Hours: 6

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Course Description

The Cupola Furnace Fundamentals course provides learners a comprehensive overview of the basic elements of a cupola. Using graphics and animations, users are able to learn more about the functions of the main furnace components, as well as the cupola’s ancillary systems and assistive devices. The course also discusses the different instrumentation, fuels, and charge materials that may be used to operate the cupola.

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Who will benefit from this Cupola Furnaces course?

Foundries that operate cupolas; Organizations that sell raw materials and equipment, or offer services for cupolas.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Cupola Furnace Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify all of the parts, ancillary systems, and assistive devices and instrumentation of the cupola and discuss their individual functions.
  2. Understand how each element of the cupola furnace works together as a whole during a cupola operation.
  3. Distinguish between the primary fuels and secondary fuels of a cupola and recognize how they each affect the melting process.
  4. Differentiate between the three main categories of charge materials and demonstrate an understanding of why the charge materials are added.

Example of foundry coke used as a heat source in a cupola furnace

Cupola Furnace Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Cupola Furnace Fundamentals Overview
  2. Cupola Components
    1. Parts of the Cupola
      1. Cap
      2. Charge Opening
      3. Shell
      4. Windbox
      5. Tuyeres
      6. Well
      7. Molten Metal and Slag Exit Holes
      8. Cupola Bottom
      9. Bottom Doors
      10. Legs
    2. Ancillary Systems
      1. Exhaust System
        1. After-Burner
        2. Recuperative System
        3. Quencher
        4. Bag House
        5. Wet Collector or Scrubber
      2. Charge Weighing System
        1. Magnet Crane
        2. Weigh Hopper with Digital Display
        3. Charging Bucket, Skip, or Skip Hoist
        4. Charge Feeder
      3. Blast Air System
        1. Blower
        2. Blast Piping
      4. Molten Metal Handling System
        1. Trough
        2. Slag Skimmer
        3. Iron Dam
        4. Fixed Volume Holding Vessels
    3. Assistive Devices and Instrumentation
      1. Refractory Installation Tools
        1. Lining Gun
        2. Ram
      2. Cleaning and Removal Tools
        1. Bottom Dropping Devices
        2. Chipping Tools
      3. Safety Devices
        1. Pop-Offs
        2. Safety Tuyere
      4. Measuring Instrumentation
        1. Blast Rate Controller
        2. Molten Iron Spout Temperature Display
        3. Immersion Thermocouple
        4. Blast Air Temperature Display
        5. Internal Pressure Gauges
        6. Water Flow Rate Gauges and Water Temperature Displays
  3. Cupola Fuels
    1. Primary Fuels
      1. Foundry Coke
        1. Size
        2. Strength
        3. Chemistry
        4. Moisture
      2. Air
        1. Moisture
        2. Temperature
      3. Formed Coke
    2. Secondary Fuels
      1. Anthracite Coal
      2. Oxygen Enrichment
        1. Oxygen Enrichment Process
          1. Regular Enrichment
          2. Tuyere Injection
          3. Supersonic Tuyere Injection
      3. Injected Fuels
      4. Oxy-Fuel Burners
  4. Cupola Charge Materials
    1. Charge Metallics
      1. Size
      2. Chemical Composition
      3. Appearance
    2. Fluxes
      1. Amount
      2. Primary Fluxes
        1. Limestone
        2. Dolomite
      3. Secondary Fluxes
        1. Fluorspar
        2. Soda Ash Bricks
    3. Alloy Materials
      1. Analysis
      2. Size
      3. Weighing
      4. Melt Losses
      5. Silicon Carbide

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