Course Description
Bonded Sand: Horizontally Parted Molds is an interactive course designed for any learner who works in a bonded sand foundry and must be familiar with the parts of a horizontally parted mold. In this course, learners engage with animations and interactives designed to provide a basic understanding of a bonded sand mold, its parts, and how each part functions in producing a casting.
Who will benefit from this Horizontally Parted Bonded Sand Molds course?
Foundries using the bonded sand molding process; Customers who purchase from bonded sand molding foundries; Organizations who sell raw materials, equipment, and services to bonded sand molding foundries.
Course Classification
*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.
Certificate Awarded for Bonded Sand: Horizontally Parted Molds
*upon successful completion
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