Mechatronic engineering student Sasshank.

How THORS Courses Helped a Mechatronics Student in Germany

Sasshank is an international student attending University in Germany where he studies mechatronics engineering. He was born in Tamil Nadu, where he attended various schools prior to completing high school in Thailand and earning his International Baccalaureate, or IB.

While in high school, Sasshank contemplated going into medicine before finally deciding on engineering, mostly due to his aptitude and interest in math and physics.

After researching and talking to those close to him, he decided on mechatronics engineering, a multidisciplinary branch of engineering that includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and Information Technology (IT). Sasshank was guided to apply to many universities to make sure he had a good selection to choose from when the time came. Universities in The Netherlands and Germany were primary in his focus, as they had good competitive schools in the fields he wanted to study.  Additionally, Germany does not charge tuition for university, which was very appealing to Sasshank and his family.

Ultimately, Sasshank chose Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as his school of choice. The trade-off here was learning German, although the classes are taught in English, and paying for health insurance, with the assumption that the student will work in Germany when they’re done with their schooling. Sasshank says that the pay is good in Germany, so that is an added attraction.

So far, Sasshank has studied several math courses, fundamental engineering courses, and programming courses. The hardest thing for him has been that the teachers are fairly “hands-off,” and the students learn a lot on their own. This is where THORS began to play a role in his education.

Sasshank came to Germany in the middle of the semester and was behind in classes. He opted to self-study in order to catch up, and he used THORS to do so. Sasshank enrolled in THORS’ course for engineering drawings to assist him in getting through one of his courses. He received some advice from older students that…

"You [have] to have your drawings down if you want to pass this course. Having no prior experience in Engineering Drawings, I jumped into the THORS Engineering Drawing Fundamentals course which was very easy to follow and understand. After going through the THORS course, so I sat down and drew and drew again and again on my iPad, different sketches and [images] of parts. It really helped me during the exam."

He described the course as challenging, saying, “[It’s] mechanical design. Not many people pass. I did do better in it.”

Sasshank credits the THORS courses really helped him pass his exam on engineering drawings and says…

"As an undergraduate student in the first semester of a Mechatronics Program in Germany, I found the THORS courses on Engineering Drawing Interpretation invaluable in helping me with my exams. I believe that the courses gave me a solid foundation and helped me do very well in the semester final exam. I would highly recommend THORS courses to other first-semester students."

Next on Sasshank’s to do list is taking some additional THORS courses and securing an internship.

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