THORS eLearning Solutions

Precision Grinding: Abrasive Wheel Safety


Precision Grinding: Abrasive Wheel Safety introduces the learner to key safety measures in the use of the abrasive grinding wheels and machine tools in precision grinding operations.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

Precision Grinding: Abrasive Wheel Safety introduces the learner to key safety measures in the use of the abrasive grinding wheels and machine tools in precision grinding operations.

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Who will benefit from this Abrasive Wheel Safety course?

Manufacturing, quality, and engineering functions in an organization that seeks to understand safety measures that must be implemented regarding abrasive grinding wheels in precision grinding processes.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms, understanding of key concepts, and application of the covered topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Precision Grinding: Abrasive Wheel Safety

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify hazards which could affect the machine operator when using abrasive grinding wheels for precision grinding processes.
  2. Recognize safety measures which affect the grinding wheel and setup to avoid potential hazards and wheel bursting.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of machine safeguards, and their role in operator and wheel safety.
  4. Determine how various failure modes could be avoided for the safety of the machine operator, grinding wheel, and grinding machine.

Illustration showing the required flange diameter to wheel diameter ration to maintain proper safety during assembly of a wheel for a precision grinding process.

Precision Grinding: Abrasive Wheel Safety

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Safety Responsibilities
  2. Machine Operator Safety
    1. PPE
    2. Grinding Wheel Operation Hazards
      1. Particle Hazards
        1. What Hazards are Present?
        2. Safety Considerations
      2. Liquid Hazards
        1. What Hazards are Present?
        2. Safety Considerations
      3. Abrasion/Impact Hazards
        1. What Hazards are Present?
        2. Safety Considerations
      4. Noise Hazards
        1. What Hazards are Present?
        2. Safety Considerations
    3. Failure Modes: Operator Health
  3. Grinding Wheel and Setup Safety
    1. Grinding Wheel Markings
    2. Storage, Transport, and Inspection
      1. Storage
      2. Transport
      3. Inspection: Ring Testing
    3. Wheel Setup
      1. Flange-Grinding Wheel Ratio
      2. Wheel Flange Assembly
      3. Tightening Flange Assembly Screws
      4. Wheel Balancing
        1. Static Balancing
        2. Dynamic Balancing
      5. Wheel Dressing
    4. Failure Modes: Wheel Bursting
  4. Grinding Machine Safeguards
    1. Electrical Operation
      1. Electrical Safeguards
      2. Emergency Stop
      3. Lockout-Tagout
    2. Machine Guards
      1. Fixed Guards
      2. Interlocked Guards
    3. Safety Shields and Other Guards
    4. Other Safeguard Devices
    5. Failure Modes: Machine Safeguards

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