THORS eLearning Solutions

Investment Casting Basics


Investment Casting Basics introduces learners to the terminology, equipment, and processing steps associated with metal investment casting.
Learning Hours: 1.5

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Course Description

Investment Casting Basics introduces learners to the terminology, equipment, and processing steps associated with metal investment casting. Using animated demonstrations and other visual aids to break down complex concepts, the course aims to improve process knowledge for employees in investment casting foundries and in peripheral professions.

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Who will benefit from this Investment Casting course?

Companies, individuals, or educational institutions who wish to more clearly understand the terminology, equipment, and processing steps associated with investment casting.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Investment Casting Basics

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the equipment, stations, or departments observed in most investment casting foundries.
  2. Identify the basic components of an investment casting mold assembly.
  3. Contrast the different investment casting methods.
  4. Explain the basic investment casting processing steps.
  5. Recall the defects common to the investment casting process.
Dewaxed molds being filled with molten metal during and investment casting process.
Investment Casting Basics

Table of Contents

  1. Investment Casting Foundries
    1. Foundry Terminology
    2. Mold Assembly Components
    3. Investment Casting Metals
      1. Common Alloys
      2. Alloy Melting
    4. Investment Casting Methods
      1. Gravity Pouring
      2. Counter Gravity Pouring
    5. Advantages and Disadvantages
  2. Processing Steps
    1. Pattern Making
    2. Pattern Assembly
    3. Ceramic Shelling
    4. Dewaxing and Firing
    5. Pouring and Cooling
    6. Knock Off and Finishing
  3. Casting Inspection
    1. Shell Mold Defect
    2. Shrinkage Porosity
    3. Hot Tears
    4. Misrun and Cold Shut
    5. Gas Porosity
    6. Inclusions

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