THORS eLearning Solutions

Steel Fundamentals


Steel Fundamentals examines the various steel properties, the chemical composition of steel, the four different types of strengthening mechanisms, along with the different steel phases and microstructures, as well as the different steel grades and classifications of both American and Europeans standards.
Learning Hours: 2.5

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Course Description

Steel Fundamentals examines the various steel properties, the chemical composition of steel, the four different types of strengthening mechanisms, along with the different steel phases and microstructures, as well as the different steel grades and classifications of both American and Europeans standards. Presented in THORS’ visual and interactive format, this course is relevant for learners who are new to the industry, as well as experienced learners that require a deeper knowledge of steel properties, microstructure, and grades.

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Who will benefit from this Steel course?

Organizations that consume, distribute, process and manufacture steel; Quality, Manufacturing, Materials, Engineering, Purchasing and Sales Functions at the above organizations.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Steel Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the different types of steel and various steel properties.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the chemical composition, microstructure, and phases of steel.
  3. Display an understanding of the various strengthening mechanisms of steel.
  4. Identify the different types of steels and the steel grades for both European and American standards.

Diagram demonstrating creep resistance that may be experienced by a steel part over a period of time.

Steel Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Steel Basics
    1. Types of Steel
    2. Forms of Steel
    3. Mechanical Properties of Steel
      1. Strength
        1. Yield Strength
        2. Ultimate Tensile Strength
      2. Elongation
      3. Hardness
      4. Toughness
      5. Hardenability
      6. Machinability
      7. Weldability
      8. Corrosion Resistance
      9. Creep Resistance
      10. Fatigue Resistance
  2. Chemical Composition
    1. Alloying Elements in Steel
    2. Microstructure
      1. Crystal Structures
        1. Types of Crystal Structures
          1. Body-Centered Cubic Lattice
          2. Face-Centered Cubic Lattice
          3. Body-Centered Tetragonal Lattice
      2. Grains and Polycrystals
        1. Grain Size
        2. Crystal Imperfections
          1. Point Defects
          2. Linear Defects
          3. Planar Defects
          4. Bulk Defects
    3. Strengthening Mechanisms
      1. Solid Solution Strengthening
      2. Strain Hardening
      3. Grain Refinement
      4. Precipitation Hardening
    4. Ductile and Brittle Steel
    5. Phases in Steel
      1. Iron/Carbon Phase Diagram
      2. Cooling Rate
  3. Steel Grades
    1. Grading Systems
    2. Steel Classification
      1.  Carbon Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties
          1. Ultra-Low Carbon Steels
          2. Low Carbon Steels
          3. Medium Carbon Steels
          4. High Carbon Steels
      2. Free-Machining Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties
      3.  Low-Alloy Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties
      4. Tool Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties
      5.  Stainless Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties
      6.  Electrical Steels
        1. European Standards
        2. American Standards
        3. Chemistry and Properties

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