THORS eLearning Solutions

Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy


THORS Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy course expounds the factors that play a crucial role in cylindrical grinding and guides the learner to apply the principles to develop a grinding strategy.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

Discover the strategies that drive the choice of tools and processes for cylindrical grinding operations. The THORS Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy course expounds the factors that play a crucial role in cylindrical grinding and guides the learner to apply the principles to develop a grinding strategy. This practical introduction, enriched with real-life examples, provides actionable strategies for better outcomes in cylindrical grinding. 

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Who will benefit from this Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy course?

Design engineers, product developers, operations, quality, sales, and marketing.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers understanding and application of the covered topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify grinding requirements from an engineering drawing.
  2. Understand grinding wheel construction.
  3. Evaluate grinding wheels and select an appropriate wheel for the grinding operation.
  4. Determine the dressing tool to be used.
  5. Choose the workholding method based on the part shape and geometry.
  6. Demonstrate proper application of grinding fluid.
  7. Develop a grinding strategy.
Various grinding wheels considered as part of a cylindrical grinding process strategy
Cylindrical Grinding Process Strategy

Table of Contents

  1. Tooling Selection
    1. Wheel Selection
      1. Grindability
      2. Wheel Hardness
      3. Abrasive Grains
      4. Grit Size
      5. Bond
      6. Wheel Specifications
    2. Wheel Profiles
      1. Types of Grinding Operations
      2. Straight Wheels
      3. Profiled Wheels
      4. Wheel Modification
    3. Dressing Tool Selection
      1. The Dressing Process
      2. Fixed Dressers
        1. Single Point Dressers
        2. Blade Dressers
      3. Rotary Dressers
        1. Synchronous Dressing
        2. Asynchronous Dressing
  2. Machine Selection Factors and Troubleshooting
    1. Machine Selection Factors
        1. Machine Capacity
        2. Workholding
        3. ID Grinding Considerations
        4. Grinding Fluid Selection
        5. Grinding Fluid Delivery
          1. Nozzle Design
          2. Temperature
          3. Flow Rate
          4. Filtration
    2. Troubleshooting
  3. Case Studies
    1. Case Study: OD Grinding
      1. Step 1: Identify the Grinding Requirements
      2. Step 2: Select Grinding Wheel
      3. Step 3: Select Dressing Tool
      4. Step 4: Select Workholding and Order of Grinding Operations
      5. Step 5: Establish Grinding Fluid Delivery
    2. Case Study: ID Grinding
      1. Step 1: Identify the Grinding Requirements
      2. Step 2: Select Grinding Wheel
      3. Step 3: Select Dressing Tool
      4. Step 4: Select Workholding and Order of Grinding Operations
      5. Step 5: Establish Grinding Fluid Delivery

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