THORS eLearning Solutions

Heat Treating Safety


Heat Treating Safety is an introduction to the terminology and motivations behind safety policies for heat treating facilities.
Learning Hours: 1

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Course Description

Heat Treating Safety is an introduction to the terminology and motivations behind safety policies for heat treating facilities. Presented in THORS’ highly visual and interactive learning format, this course provides employees with a better awareness of the unique safety concerns encountered during modern heat treating processes.

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Who will benefit from this Heat Treating Safety course?

Companies, individuals, or educational institutions that require an understanding of how to safely and properly perform basic tasks in a heat treating facility.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers application of the included topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Heat Treating Safety

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the basic heat treating personal protective equipment.
  2. Identify the correct methods for lifting and back safety.
  3. Understand the behavior that could lead to disciplinary action.
  4. Determine the safest ways to work with or near powered equipment.
  5. Recall the important reasons for following environmental compliance rules.
A forklift, one type of powered equipment found in heat treating facilities, with horns, warning lights, and backup alarms for safety.
Heat Treating Safety

Table of Contents

  1. Personal Safety
    1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    2. Accidents, Injuries, and Near Misses
    3. Infection Risks
    4. Lifting and Back Safety
    5. Workspace Safety
    6. Disciplinary Action
  2. Facility Safety
    1. The Heat Retention of Metal
    2. Powered Equipment
    3. Environmental Compliance
    4. Fire Safety
    5. Hazardous Chemicals
    6. Facility Evacuation

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