Course Description
Heat Treating Basics introduces learners to the common concepts and terminology involved in modern heat treating operations. In this course, learners engage with animations and interactives designed to provide a basic understanding of the equipment, furnaces, and processes performed at heat treating facilities around the world. In addition, animations are provided that deal specifically with safety tips and best practices for individuals who are new or unfamiliar with being around heat treating equipment. The material covered in this course is also contained in the THORS Heat Treating Processes and Equipment course. Heat Treating Basics is intended for learners who require only a basic understanding of the terminology and processes associated with modern heat treating.
Who will benefit from this Heat Treating course?
Individuals or organizations that require an introduction to the basic terminology and processes associated with modern heat treating.
Course Classification
*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.
Certificate Awarded for Heat Treating Basics
*upon successful completion
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