THORS eLearning Solutions

Additive Manufacturing: Stereolithography


The Additive Manufacturing: Stereolithography course in an informative, entry-level overview of the stereolithography additive manufacturing process.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

The Additive Manufacturing: Stereolithography course is an informative, entry-level overview of the stereolithography additive manufacturing process. In this course, learners are presented with the basics of stereolithography, its process, and the necessary process considerations. Learners in the quality and manufacturing fields will find value in this course.

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Who will benefit from this Stereolithography Additive Manufacturing course?

OEMs that manufacture, design, or procure components from Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing companies; Any manufacturer looking to introduce Additive Manufacturing concepts; Additive Manufacturing service bureaus; Educational institutions; Students and aspiring industry professionals.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Additive Manufacturing: Stereolithography

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Differentiate between the different light source approaches.
  2. Understand the various applications, advantages, and limitations of stereolithography.
  3. Discuss the process materials used in stereolithography to produce different objects.
  4. Understand and breakdown the whole stereolithography process.
  5. Examine the cost drivers of stereolithography.
  6. Analyze the many quality concepts of stereolithography that affect the production of objects.
Tank of photopolymer with a laser originating from below and shining into the resin through clear glass
Additive Manufacturing: Stereolithography

Table of Contents

  1. Stereolithography Basics
    1. Light Source Approaches
      1. Top-Down Illumination
      2. Bottom-Up Illumination
    2. Support Structure
    3. Applications
      1. Common Applications
        1. Concept Models
        2. Prototypes
        3. Functional Prototypes
        4. Patterns
      2. Production Applications
        1. Patterns
        2. Tools
        3. Parts
    4. Advantages and Limitations of Stereolithography
    5. Process Materials
  2. Stereolithography Process
    1. Design
    2. Pre-Process
    3. Build
    4. Post-Process
  3. Process Considerations
    1. Cost Drivers
      1. Design
        1. Size
        2. Orientation
        3. Complexity
      2. Equipment and Raw Materials
      3. Post-Processing
    2. Quality Concepts
      1. System Capabilities
      2. System Calibration and Maintenance
      3. Material Selection
      4. Material Age
      5. Object Design
      6. Object Orientation
      7. Object Size
      8. Build Parameters
      9. Post-Processing


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