THORS eLearning Solutions

Gear Fundamentals


The Gear Fundamentals course is a visual course designed for any learner who must become familiar with the various gear types and how they are utilized to form different gearboxes.
Learning Hours: 4

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Course Description

The Gear Fundamentals course is a visual course designed for any learner who must become familiar with the various gear types and how they are utilized to form different gearboxes. In this course, learners engage with animations and visuals that provide basic understanding of what are gears, as well as how gears work with the aid of various engineering concepts and gearing principles. This course includes gear and gearbox terminology and applications, along with important calculations to further express the importance of the topic and its basic principles.

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Who will benefit from this Gears course?

Organizations that manufacture, purchase, operate, or assemble gearing or gearboxes; Quality, manufacturing, engineering, purchasing, and sales functions at the above organizations.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Gear Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize what gears are, and why they are important, especially for both power transmission and motion control.
  2. Describe the different basic gear forms and arrangements and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  3. Review examples of different types of prime movers.
  4. Identify alternatives to gears for power transmission and motion control applications.
  5. Understand the relationship between and calculate for work, power, and torque.
  6. Recognize the need for smooth (conjugate) motion in gear meshing and be aware of the Law of Gearing.

Examples of a single enveloping worm gear and a double enveloping worm gear.

Gear Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Gears Basics
    1. What are Gears?
    2. Gear Types
      1. Cylindrical Gear Types
        1. Spur Gears
        2. Helical Gears
        3. Double Helical Gears
        4. Crossed Axis Gears
        5. Worm Gears
      2. Non-Cylindrical Gear Types
        1. Bevel Gears
        2. Hypoid Gears
    3. Alternatives to Gears
      1. Belts
      2. Chains
  2. Basic Engineering Concepts
    1. Speed: Linear and Rotational
      1. Linear Motion
      2. Rotational Motion
      3. Converting Rotational Speed to Linear Speed
      4. Converting RPM to Radians Per Second
    2. Work, Power, and Torque
      1. Work Equation
      2. Power Equation
      3. Torque Equation
    3. Alternate Way to Calculate Power
  3. Gearing Principles
    1. The Law of Gearing
    2. Cycloid Tooth Form
    3. Circular Arc Tooth Form
    4. Involute Tooth Form
      1. The Involute Shape
      2. Basic Involute Action
      3. Sliding and Rolling Action
      4. Gear Tooth Action
        1. Spur Gears
        2. Helical Gears
  4. Gearbox Types and Applications
    1. What are Gearboxes?
    2. Gearbox Importance
      1. The Ideal Solution
      2. The Primary Challenge
      3. Overcoming Limitations
        1. Power Capacity
        2. Positive Drive Mechanism
        3. Teeth Spacing
        4. Gear Ratio
        5. Instantaneous Gear Ratio
        6. Constant Gear Ratio
    3. Gearbox Concepts
      1. Gearbox Ratio
        1. Single Reduction Gearbox
        2. Double Reduction Gearbox
        3. Bevel Gearbox
      2. Power and Torque Relationship
      3. Torque Reaction
    4. Gearbox Types
      1. Spur Gearboxes
      2. Helical Gearboxes
      3. Shaft-Mounted Gearboxes
      4. Epicyclic Gear Arrangements
        1. Components
        2. Configurations
          1. Fixed Annulus
          2. Fixed Plane Carrier
          3. Fixed Sun Gear
        3. Power Transmission Options
    5. Gear and Gearbox Applications
      1. Power Transmission
      2. Power Control
      3. Speed Increaser
      4. Speed Reducer
      5. Directional Change of Motion
      6. Motion Control

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