THORS eLearning Solutions

Gear Chart Interpretation: Elemental Measurements on Cylindrical Gears


Gear Chart Interpretation: Elemental Measurements on Cylindrical Gears introduces learners to the latest ISO global gear accuracy standard, the factors that define gear accuracy, and the evaluation of measured deviations against the allowable deviations on a gear inspection report, or “gear chart”.
Learning Hours: 1.5

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Course Description

Gear Chart Interpretation: Elemental Measurements on Cylindrical Gears introduces learners to the latest ISO global gear accuracy standard, the factors that define gear accuracy, and the evaluation of measured deviations against the allowable deviations on a gear inspection report, or “gear chart”. In this course, learners engage with animations and interactives demonstrating the analytical quality inspection processes performed to obtain the values classified as elemental measurements according to the global standard.

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Who will benefit from this Gear Inspection Reports course?

Any learner, such as a beginning engineer, who must be familiar with reading and interpreting gear charts generated for spur and helical gears.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers application of the included topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Gear Chart Interpretation: Elemental Measurements on Cylindrical Gears

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize how common standard ANSI/AGMA ISO 1328-1-B14 defines a gear’s accuracy class.
  2. Differentiate between the three geometry parameters of pitch, profile, and helix deviation, that make up elemental measurements according to the common standard, and the terminology related to each.
  3. Understand the significance of runout and tooth size measurements, in addition to elemental measurements, in helping determine a gear’s quality level.
  4. Identify the typical components of a gear inspection report, or “gear chart”, for cylindrical gears.
  5. Relate the relative distance of an actual measurement from the zero, or design, line on a gear chart to what that means about the inspected gear’s geometry.

A helical gear data chart including the gear quality specification.

Gear Chart Interpretation: Elemental Measurements on Cylindrical Gears

Table of Contents

  1. What are Gear Charts?
  2. Gear Accuracy Measurements
    1. Pitch Deviation Measurements
    2. Profile Deviation Measurements
    3. Helix Deviation Measurements
    4. Runout Measurement
    5. Size Measurement
  3. Gear Chart Interpretation
    1. Chart Header
    2. Pitch Deviation Chart
      1. Radial Runout Chart
      2. Tooth Size Chart
    3. Profile Deviation Chart
    4. Helix Deviation Chart

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