THORS eLearning Solutions

Non-Destructive Testing


Non-Destructive Testing is an introduction to the various types of non-destructive metallurgical tests, the underlying principles behind each test, the steps involved, and the advantages and disadvantages of each testing method.
Learning Hours: .75

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Course Description

Non-Destructive Testing is an introduction to the various types of non-destructive metallurgical tests, the underlying principles behind each test, the steps involved, and the advantages and disadvantages of each testing method.

Presented in THORS’ highly visual and interactive format, this course will help the learner become familiar with the equipment and terminology associated with metallurgical testing used in their professions.

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Who will benefit from this Non-Destructive Testing course?

Companies, individuals, or educational institutions that either perform in-house tests on metals or collaborate with external laboratories to do so; anyone who requires a fundamental understanding of non-destructive metallurgical testing techniques.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers application of the included topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Non-Destructive Testing

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the need for non-destructive testing in metallurgy.
  2. Differentiate between the most common methods of non-destructive testing.
  3. Recall basic terminology and phrases associated with non-destructive testing.
  4. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of non-destructive testing.
  5. Identify the non-destructive test suitable for the test material and condition.
Radiography testing equipment with digital imaging, one type of non-destructive testing process.
Non-Destructive Testing

Table of Contents

  1. Visual and Hardness Testing
    1. Visual Testing
    2. Hardness Testing
    3. Micro-Hardness Testing
  2. Magnetic and Liquid Based Testing
    1. Magnetic Particle Testing
    2. Liquid Penetrant Testing
  3. Electronics Based Testing
    1. Ultrasonic Testing
    2. Radiography Testing
    3. Eddy Current Testing

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