THORS eLearning Solutions

Cold Forming Fundamentals


Cold Forming Fundamentals introduces learners to the equipment, processes, and general terminology used in cold forming industries.
Learning Hours: 2.5

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Course Description

Cold Forming Fundamentals introduces learners to the equipment, processes, and general terminology used in cold forming industries. This course depicts the complex inner workings of cold forming processes with the aid of helpful GIFs and illustrations. A troubleshooting guide that covers both tooling and cold forming operations is also included in this course. This guide is a helpful tool to improve the quality and efficiency of cold forming operations. The material in this course is beneficial to both seasoned cold forming experts and learners new to the industry.

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Who will benefit from this Cold Forming course?

Quality, manufacturing, engineering, designing, purchasing, and sales personnel.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Cold Forming Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the benefits of cold forming when compared to machining.
  2. Recognize the various materials that can be cold formed.
  3. Differentiate between the types of cold forming machines and the products each machine can manufacture.
  4. Recall the various equipment and processes used to create cold formed products.
  5. Examine possible testing methods and troubleshooting solutions for common tooling and process failures in cold forming industries.
Punch and die components of a cold forming process
Cold Forming Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Concepts
    1. Cold Forming vs. Machining
    2. Cold Forming Properties
    3. Advantages and Disadvantages
    4. Cold Forming Material and Lubrication
    5. Raw Material Inspection
    6. Cold Forming Machine Types
      1.  Single Die Machines
      2.  Two-Die Machines
      3.  Multi-Die Machines
  2. Equipment and Processes
    1. Equipment
      1. Uncoiler
      2. Straightener
      3. Feed Mechanism
      4. Cutoff Mechanism
      5. Punch and Die
      6. Transfer
      7. Kickout
    2. Basic Processes
      1. Extrusion
      2.  Upsetting
      3.  Heading
      4.  Piercing
      5.  Trimming
    3. Secondary Processes
      1.  Thread Rolling
      2.  Heat Treating
  3. Testing and Troubleshooting
    1. Testing
      1.  Quality Control
      2.  Tensile Testing
      3.  Fatigue and Transverse Rupture Strength Testing
    2. Troubleshooting
      1. Feed Rolls and Mechanical Roll
      2. Transfer Fingers
      3. Punch and Die
      4. Double Hit
      5. Cutoff
      6. Galling
      7. Part Fill
      8. Extrusion
      9. Upsetting
      10. Piercing and Trimming

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