THORS eLearning Solutions

Machining: Surface Process Fundamentals


Machining: Surface Process Fundamentals is designed to provide learners with terminology, images, and fundamental concepts as they pertain to metal machining processes that create a surface feature on a part.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

Machining: Surface Process Fundamentals is designed to provide learners with terminology, images, and fundamental concepts as they pertain to metal machining processes that create a surface feature on a part. Presented in THORS’ highly visual and interactive learning format, this course will help employees in machining industries become familiar with the important equipment and terminology associated with their profession.

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Who will benefit from this Machining Surface Processes course?

Companies, individuals, or educational institutions that require an understanding of the components and terminology associated with surface processes in machining.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Machining: Surface Process Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify commonly specified surface features.
  2. Identify cutting tools used in conventional surface processes.
  3. Identify cutting media used in non-conventional surface processes.
  4. Identify forming tools used in metal displacement processes.
  5. Identify and understand the tool-part relationship characteristics of various types of surface processes used in the industry.
Drawing of a grinding wheel and workpiece showing their relationship and the resulting material removal area on the surface of the part.
Machining: Surface Process Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Conventional Processes
    1. Turning
      1. Cutting Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    2. Milling
      1. Cutting Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    3. Grinding
      1. Cutting Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
      3. Grinding Processes
        1. OD Cylindrical Grinding
        2. Centerless Grinding
        3. ID Cylindrical Grinding
        4. Thread Grinding
        5. Reciprocating Surface Grinding
        6. Rotary Surface Grinding
    4. Broaching
      1. Linear Broaching
        1. Cutting Tool
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      2. Rotary Broaching
        1. Cutting Tool
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
  2. Non-Conventional Processes
    1. Cutting Processes
      1. Electrical Discharge Machining
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      2. Electrochemical Machining
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      3. Laser Beam Machining
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      4. Water Jet Machining
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      5. Ultrasonic Machining
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
    2. Finishing Processes
      1. Lapping
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
      2. Superfinishing
        1. Cutting Medium
        2. Tool-Part Relationship
  3. Metal Displacement Processes
    1. Burnishing
      1. Forming Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    2. Stamping
      1. Forming Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    3. Spline Rolling
      1. Forming Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    4. Thread Rolling
      1. Forming Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship
    5. Knurl Rolling
      1. Forming Tool
      2. Tool-Part Relationship

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