THORS eLearning Solutions

Quality Inspection for Steel Castings


The Quality Inspection for Steel Castings course details some of the more common methods used to evaluate a steel casting for compliance to a customer’s specification requirements.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

The Quality Inspection for Steel Castings course details some of the more common methods used to evaluate a steel casting for compliance to a customer’s specification requirements. Relevant for quality and inspection roles, this course focuses on the most common quality non-conformances observed during the visual inspection of steel castings and standard non-destructive testing (NDT) methods used for casting evaluation.

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Who will benefit from this Steel Castings Quality Inspection course?

Foundries that pour steel; Customers who purchase steel castings; Organizations that sell material, equipment, and services to steel foundries.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers application of the included topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Quality Inspection for Steel Castings

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the difference between an indication and a non-conformance.
  2. Determine if something is an indication or non-conformance.
  3. Identify the most common quality non-conformances observed in steel castings.
  4. Describe standard non-destructive testing methods for evaluating steel castings.
Magnetic particle inspection being performed on a steel casting when the quality standard calls for more than visual inspection.
Quality Inspection for Steel Castings

Table of Contents

  1. Non-Conformance Identification
    1. What is a “Non-conformance”?
    2. How a Non-conformance is Identified
  2. Visual Inspection
    1. Volumetric Non-Conformances
      1. Hot Tears or Cracks
      2. Shrinkage
      3. Inclusions
      4. Gas Porosity
    2. Surface Indications
      1. Veining
      2. Rat Tails
      3. Wrinkles, Laps, Folds, and Cold Shut
      4. Cutting Marks
      5. Chaplets
      6. Weld Repair Areas
      7. Surface Roughness
  3. Non-Destructive Testing
    1. Magnetic Particle Testing (MT, MPI, or MPT)
    2. Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT, LPI, FPI, or DPT)
    3. Radiographic Testing (RT)
    4. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
    5. Leak Testing

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