THORS eLearning Solutions

Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VAVE)


The THORS Value Analysis and Value Engineering course introduces learners to the principles and practice of the Value Methodology.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

The THORS Value Analysis and Value Engineering course introduces learners to the principles and practice of the Value Methodology. Illustrated with real-life examples, this course will help the learner to actively engage in a value study event. Think functions. Improve value. Maximize the impact of your next VAVE event.

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Who will benefit from this VAVE course?

Quality, manufacturing, materials, design engineers, procurement, operations, sales, and marketing teams involved in product improvement.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers understanding and application of the covered topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Value Analysis and Value Engineering

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the principles and practices of the Value Methodology process.
  2. Understand the value methodology process and learn to think about products and processes in terms of functions.
  3. Identify and classify functions.
  4. Construct FAST diagrams.
  5. Learn to prioritize ideas using ranking matrices.
Diagram demonstrating the improvement potential of VAVE methodologies.
Value Analysis and Value Engineering

Table of Contents

  1. Value Methodology Concepts
    1. Value Methodology Terminology
      1. Value
      2. Function
    2. Value Methodology Phases
  2. Value Methodology Process
    1. Preparation Phase
    2. Information Phase
    3. Function Phase
      1. Function Identification
      2. Function Classification
        1. Scope Lines
        2. Higher Order Function
        3. Function Logic Path
        4. Lower Order Function
        5. FAST Diagrams
      3. Function Prioritization
        1. Step 1
        2. Step 2
        3. Step 3
        4. Step 4
        5. Step 5
        6. Step 6
        7. Step 7
    4. Creativity Phase
    5. Evaluation Phase
    6. Development Phase
    7. Presentation Phase
    8. Implementation Phase
  3. Case Study
    1. Pre-Function Phases
    2. Function Phase
      1. Function Identification
      2. Function Classification
      3. Function Prioritization
    3. Post-Function Phases

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