THORS eLearning Solutions

Engineering Drawings Fundamentals


Engineering Drawings Fundamentals introduces the fundamental concepts that are required to read, understand, and interpret engineering drawings used throughout the manufacturing industry.
Learning Hours: 4

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Course Description

Engineering Drawings Fundamentals introduces the fundamental concepts that are required to read, understand, and interpret engineering drawings used throughout the manufacturing industry. Presented in THORS’ highly visual and interactive learning format with many examples, this course assists learners in understanding and interpreting the views, different elements, and dimensioning methods used on engineering drawings.

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Who will benefit from this Engineering Drawings course?

Companies, individuals, or educational institutions that require an understanding of the views, different elements, and dimensioning methods used on engineering drawings. 

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms, understanding of key concepts, and application of the covered topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Engineering Drawing Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Interpret the graphic language used in mechanical drawings for practical applications.
  2. Locate the title block, revision block, and drawing zone on a print.
  3. Distinguish between different views used to represent an object on a drawing.
  4. Identify and understand the meaning behind the diverse elements of a drawing, which includes lines, symbols, and dimensioning types and methods.
  5. Verify knowledge retention by reviewing complete drawing examples for the elements and components discussed in the course.
3D illustration demonstrating third angle projection as used on an engineering drawing
Engineering Drawings Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Drawing Template
    1. Title Block
      1. Angle of Projection Symbol
      2. Approvals Section
      3. Copyright Notice
      4. Dimensioning Note and Tolerancing
      5. Drawing Identification
      6. Drawing Scale
      7. Drawing Size
      8. Drawing Standard
      9. Material Specification
      10. Reference Information
      11. Surface Finish
      12. Weight Information
    2. Revision Block
    3. Drawing Zone
  2. Part Views
    1. Orthographic View
      1. Common Multi-Views
      2. Angle of Projection
        1. Deriving Symbols
        2. First Angle Projection
        3. Third Angle Projection
      3. Arrangement of Views
        1. Basic View Arrangement
        2. Multi-View Arrangement
      4. Axonometric View
        1. Isometric View
      5. Section View
        1. Common Elements of Section Views
        2. Types of Section Views
          1. Common Section Views
          2. Additional Section Views
  3. Elements of a Drawing
    1. Lines
      1. Line Width
      2. Line Priority
      3. Drawing Lines
        1. Object Line
        2. Center Line
        3. Hidden Line
        4. Phantom Line
        5. Chain Line
      4. Viewing Lines
        1. Break Line
        2. Cutting Plane Line
        3. Viewing Plane Line
      5. Dimensioning Lines
        1. Extension Line
        2. Dimension Line
        3. Leader Line
    2. Symbols
      1. Conventional Representations
      2. General Symbols
        1. Center line
        2. Diameter
        3. Radius
        4. Places
        5. Typical
        6. Surface Finish
        7. Revision
      3. GD&T Symbols
        1. Datum and Datum Feature
        2. Feature Control Frame
        3. Datum Features in a Feature Control Frame
        4. Datum Reference Frame
    3. Notes
  4. Part Dimensioning
    1. Dimensioning Basics
      1. Units of Measurement
        1. Metric Units
        2. Imperial Units
        3. Dual Units
      2. Dimensioning Text
        1. Unidirectional Text
        2. Aligned Text
      3. Tolerance
        1. Bilateral Tolerance
        2. Unilateral Tolerance
      4. Dimensioning Types
        1. Nominal Dimension
        2. Limit Dimension
        3. Overall Dimension
        4. Critical Dimension
        5. Reference Dimension
        6. Basic Dimension
      5. Dimensioning Methods
        1. Feature Dimensioning
          1. Linear and Angular Dimensioning
          2. Rectangular and Polar Coordinate Dimensioning
        2. Baseline Dimensioning
        3. Chain Dimensioning

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