THORS eLearning Solutions

KTI: Gears – Spur and Helical Gear Terminology


Gears: Spur and Helical Gear Terminology is an interactive course designed for any learner who must be familiar with commonly used terminology for spur and helical gears.
Learning Hours: .75

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Course Description

Gears: Spur and Helical Gear Terminology is an interactive course designed for any learner who must be familiar with commonly used terminology for spur and helical gears. In this course, learners engage with animations and interactives designed to provide a basic understanding of parallel axis gearing, including the identification of the types of gears in this family, the terminology essential to understanding aspects of a gear’s geometry, and important calculations such as diametral pitch, module, gear ratio, and contact ratio.

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Who will benefit from this Spur and Helical Gears course?

Quality, Sales, Engineering, Manufacturing, Purchasing.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Gears: Spur and Helical Gear Terminology

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the different types of spur and helical gears.
  2. Understand and recognize the commonly used terms as it relates to spur and helical gears.

Helical gear showing its transverse plane being perpendicular to its axis of rotation.

Gears: Spur and Helical Gear Terminology

Table of Contents

  1. What are Spur and Helical Gears?
    1. Gear Types
  2. Commonly Used Terminology
    1. Axis, Planes, and Helix
      1. Axis of Rotation
      2. Normal Plane
      3. Transverse Plane
      4. Helix
      5. Lead
      6. Helix Angle
      7. Hand of Helix
    2. Gear Geometry
      1. Involute
      2. Flank
      3. Profile
      4. Tooth Helix
      5. Tooth Alignment
      6. Gear Quality
    3. Gear Diameters
      1. True Involute Form (TIF) Diameter
      2. Start of Active Profile (SAP) Diameter
      3. Pitch Point
      4. Pitch Circle Diameter
      5. Root Circle Diameter
    4. Pitch
      1. Diametral Pitch
      2. Module
      3. Base Pitch
      4. Circular Pitch
    5. Gear Motion
      1. Line of Centers
      2. Center Distance
      3. Line of Action
      4. Pressure Angle
      5. Backlash
    6. Gear and Contact Ratio
      1. Gear Ratio
        1. Increasing Speed
        2. Reducing Speed
      2. Contact Ratio
        1. Transverse Contact Ratio
        2. Face Contact Ratio
    7. Tooth Depth and Thickness
      1. Addendum
      2. Dedendum
      3. Clearance
      4. Whole Depth
      5. Working Depth
      6. Chordal Tooth Thickness
      7. Circular Tooth Thickness
    8. Tooth Features
      1. Face Width
        1. Effective Face Width
        2. Total Face Width
      2. Top Land
      3. BottomLand
      4. Relieving
        1. Tip Relief
        2. Root Relief
      5. Crowning
        1. Lead Crown
        2. Profile Crown
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