Build a competent workforce

Build a Competent Workforce in 3 Simple Ways

Employees are the building force of any organization. Their dreams, hopes and aspirations, combined with the leader’s vision, successfully push an organization towards its goals. The actions and knowledge of skilled workers have the potential to strengthen your workplace. So, it is good news that most employers now are seeking ways to make their employees feel engaged at the workplace. For those of you who are constantly trying to figure out how to build a competent workforce, remember the 3 E’s..

1. Empower

Remember the first time someone trusted in you to deliver on something important? Didn’t their belief in you give you enough strength to perform well? Did you not do your best to make them feel good about trusting you? Be that ‘someone’ now: master the art of delegating. Talk to your employees about your goals in all honesty; tell them how they can be a pivotal part of your collective success. By engaging them this way, you are building a competent workforce and nurturing their loyalty.

2. Educate

Not everybody is readily equipped with the knowledge they need to excel at their jobs. Some of them expect (and hope) to learn on the job. Don’t make them feel small just because they want to learn all their potential skills at work. them with learning material that arms them with industry knowledge. Don’t ever underestimate the power of exposure to the right learning material. Education enlightens and engages employees tremendously. Invest in the right workforce training that truly engages your team. 

3. Exchange information

Communication is key to any relationship and work-related relationships aren’t any different. Keep a transparent flow of information and maintain a running conversation on the latest projects. When an employee expects back and forth on any topic, he/she is automatically more engaged. Avoid long gaps in communication to evade disengagement. For those times when it is just not possible to stay in touch, let them know your schedule beforehand.

Remember these E’s to build an engaged, enriched workforce at your company. To learn more about educating your workforce with the latest manufacturing knowledge contact us.