THORS eLearning Solutions

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Basics


Inspection is a key factor for a part’s success. A Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), being fully automated, enhances the inspection methodology by enabling quick and precise measurements. The THORS Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Basics course illustrates the indispensable role of the CMM in the measurement world.
Learning Hours: 2

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Course Description

Inspection is a key factor for a part’s success. A Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), being fully automated, enhances the inspection methodology by enabling quick and precise measurements. The THORS Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Basics course illustrates the indispensable role of the CMM in the measurement world. Packed with graphics, the course will leave the learner with a valuable learning experience about the types of CMMs and the components of a CMM, as well as the measurement and reporting process of a CMM.

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Who will benefit from this CMM course?

Anyone operating a CMM machine including CMM Operators, Quality Engineers, Quality Managers, Design Engineers, and Manufacturing Engineers

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms, understanding of key concepts, and application of the covered topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Basics

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the advantages of using CMMs in coordinate metrology.
  2. Distinguish the types of CMMs and their applications.
  3. Identify the role of each CMM component in measurement.
  4. Understand the measurement process of a CMM and factors affecting the results.
  5. Examine the measurement analysis methodologies to evaluate the measured data.
  6. Learn the various forms of reporting data.
A component held by modular fixtures using clamps and tower bolts.
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Basics

Table of Contents

  1. CMM Types and Components
    1. CMM Types
      1. Bridge Type Machine
      2. Horizontal Arm Machine
      3. Gantry Type Machine
      4. Column Type Machine
    2. CMM Components
      1. Probe Head
        1. Fixed Probe Head
        2. Articulated Probe Head
      2. Probe
        1. Contact Probe
          1.   Hard Probe
          2. Touch Trigger Probe
          3. Scanning Probe
          4. Surface Finish Probe
        2. Noncontact Probe
          1. Triangulation Probe
          2. Camera Probe
        3. Hybrid Probe
      3. Stylus
        1. Stylus Construction
        2. Stylus Combination
        3. Stylus Shapes
        4. Stylus Tip Materials
        5. Stylus Contact Direction
      4. Software
      5. Accessories
        1. Fixture
          1. Dedicated Fixture
          2. Modular Fixture
        2. Rotary Table
        3. Air Cushion
  2. Measurement Process
    1. Alignment
      1. 3-2-1 Alignment
      2. Best Fit Alignment
      3. RPS Alignment
    2. Styli Calibration
    3. Fixturing Strategy
    4. Probing
    5. Measurement Uncertainty
      1. Measurement Uncertainty Importance
      2. Measurement Uncertainty Causes
      3. Measurement Uncertainty Reduction Methods
    6. Stylus Compensation
    7. Measurement Considerations
      1. Thermal Influence
      2. Other Influences
    8. Measurement Analysis
    9. Reporting Data

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