Course Description
Purchase Order Fundamentals looks at the components of a purchase order and how they can be used in business. This unique course provides the learner the ability to understand exactly how purchase orders are used in transactions and what to do in specific situations with different requirements that a purchase order may contain. The learner will be able to understand the difference between different examples of purchase orders in specific areas and how to work with international and blanket purchase orders. THORS’ interactive learning method for this course is sure to help a learner understand and grasp these concepts.
Who will benefit from this Purchase Order Fundamentals course?
Sales personnel who handle purchase order discussions; Customer service teams who review and process the purchase orders; Purchasing and supply chain employees who cut purchase orders to vendors; Engineers who review, approve, or accept the technical requirements on drawings; Finance department personnel who handle the payment term guidelines; Shipping and receiving employees who need to understand the individual requirements for each order based on the purchase order instructions.
Course Classification

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.
Who will benefit from this Purchase Order Fundamentals course?

*upon successful completion
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