THORS eLearning Solutions

Engineering Drawings for Castings


Engineering Drawings for Castings elaborates on the fundamental terminology associated with engineering drawings used when casting a product.
Learning Hours: 1.5

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Course Description

Engineering Drawings for Castings elaborates on the fundamental terminology associated with engineering drawings used when casting a product.  Presented in THORS’ highly visual and interactive learning format, this course will help employees understand and interpret engineering drawings for castings.

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Who will benefit from this Engineering Drawings for Castings course?

Engineering, manufacturing, quality, and purchasing personnel within any organization that produces parts using an engineering drawing.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers application of the included topics.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Engineering Drawings for Castings

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the distinct characteristics that are included in a casting drawing.
  2. Understand the different features that entails a casting drawing.
  3. Differentiate the various symbols commonly associated with a casting drawing.
  4. Describe the importance of the notes section of a casting drawing and the different types of notes that may be found in this section.
Example of the draft angle requirement section of an engineering drawing for castings
Engineering Drawings for Castings

Table of Contents

  1. Distinct Characteristics
    1. Casting Weight
    2. Draft Angle Requirement
    3. Dimensioning and Tolerancing
    4. Mismatch
    5. Size
    6. Wall Thickness
  2. Features and Associated Symbols
    1. Datum Targets
    2. Fillet and Corner Radius
    3. Machining Allowance
    4. Material Specification
    5. Parting Line
    6. Surface Finish
  3. Notes
    1. Cleanliness Requirements
    2. Conformance Requirements
    3. Informational Notes
      1. Proof Machining Requirement
      2. Inspection Requirement
      3. Visual Quality Requirement

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