skill acquisition in foundry engineering transformed a mechanical engineer's career

Skill Acquisition in Foundry Engineering Courses

Robert has accomplished skill acquisition in foundry engineering through THORS courses. He is a degreed mechanical engineer, who has resided in Minnesota for about 20 years. He used to work for New Flyer of America, a company that manufactures buses for public transportation. A year ago, he joined Dee Manufacturing as a Foundry and Machine Shop Engineer. Dee Manufacturing is an Aluminum Foundry and Machine Shop in Minnesota. Prior to joining Dee, Robert had no experience working in a foundry or machine shop and it was imperative that he worked towards skills acquisition of foundry engineering very quickly. His company had signed up for a long-term contract with THORS, and over the past 6 months, he has completed 22 courses, across the casting and machining domain.

Robert feels the courses have helped him with skill acquisition in foundry engineering and transformed a mechanical engineer’s career by rapidly learning the technical terminology across the various casting and machining processes they utilize in a structured and measurable manner. He pointed out that if he had tried to learn on his own, he wouldn’t have access to experts in these domains. Even with unfettered access to such experts, it still would have taken a long time, and the learning would not have been structured or measurable. THORS courses have allowed him to speed up his learning process, while at the same time being measurable and have saved him years of on-the-job learning. Additionally, his foundry problem-solving skills have improved exponentially, and he is able to participate in problem-solving and asking the right questions. He was impressed with the THORS pre, post and chapter assessments, as they were rigorous and if you were to fail and take them a second time, the quiz questions were different. This really forced him to learn the content and retain the knowledge. Robert also enjoyed the videos, graphics and interactives, which kept the courses engaging and resulted in a great learning experience. He stated that THORS courses are the best of their kind in his industry and rated them a 9 out of 10.

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