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Objective Assessments

Discover Data-Driven Time-Efficient Training

Identify Knowledge Gaps and Improve Productivity


Our Objective Assessments allow you to analyze and identify your workforce strengths, weaknesses, and knowledge gaps by customizing your own quizzes or using our standard course quizzes from our built-in library. Data-Driven Time-Efficient Training means a faster way to educate. Assess what each team member knows and doesn’t know, then identify and provide training for only what they actually need, saving time and money.

Our objective assessments can identify each area with training needs and individual training paths.

How do I identify who needs training in what area?

Subjective assessments and surveys to employees

Our assessments can objectively identify each area, and individual data driven training paths can be determined.

Our objective assessments take the subjective nature out of the review process.

How do I identify knowledge gaps in the organization?

Subjective self-assessments and reviews by supervisors

Take the subjective nature out of the review process and free up resources by using online assessments.

Our objective assessments free up resources.

How do identify subject matter experts?

Subjective self-assessments and reviews by supervisors

Take the subjective nature of out the review process and free up resources by using online assessments.

Our objective assessments save time and money.

How can I assess the technical competencies of individuals?

Asking the individual about their knowledge

Save time and money by objectively understanding the technical aptitude of individuals and applicants.

Our objective assessments provide a breakdown of your team's knowledge.

How does my team know all of my organization’s features?

Product surveys and reviews

Take the most vital parts of your products and services and get a breakdown of your team’s knowledge.

Our objective assessments serve to verifty all your team members' training and compliance records.

How does my organization track and report compliance of my team?

Dispersed records and paper

Verification of all your team members’ training and compliance records. Access all of your records in one location online.

Our objective assessments provide ongoing training retentions checkpoints.

How do I retain my team’s training effectiveness and retention?

Yearly reviews

Provide ongoing training retention checkpoints throughout the year to make sure your team members retain vital information.

Our objective assessments allow use out-of-the-box questions in your custom quiz.

Management creates exams.

Management creates exams

Pull from off the shelf tests available in our question bank to use in your assessments or add them into a custom quiz.

The Outcomes: Analytics Tell the Story

This company determined which concepts required additional training, implemented a learning path consisting of courses from the THORS library and custom courses to build, and re-assessed the competency after additional training.

Sample quiz question and quiz score dashboard as generate by our objective assessment tool.
Sample analytics provided by our Objective Assessment reports.

We are utilizing the THORS Suite of Digital Productivity Tools that include Objective Assessments, THORS Academy and Lightning Learning Courses, and the Digital Checklist.

We are very happy with their approach to training and digitization. These tools help us assess knowledge gaps, develop meaningful training plans, increase our employee knowledge base, train efficiently, and get real-time data for productive decision-making. We strongly endorse this program!”

-Harshad G. / President, Global Gear & Machining LLC

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