Course Description
The complexities in the product development process demand meticulous planning and efficient project management tools for organizations to strive in a highly competitive industry. The THORS Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) course provides comprehensive understanding of the APQP project management tool used for product development in industries such as automotive and aerospace. This course gives an overview of the APQP development process, the PDCA cycle, simultaneous engineering, APQP phases and activities, status review, and records retention.
Who will benefit from this Advanced Product Quality Planning course?
Marketing, Sales, Design, Engineering (Product and Process), Purchasing, Manufacturing, Quality, and Service functions at organizations that require an understanding of advanced product quality planning; Any learner who is required to understand and use APQP
Course Classification

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.
Certificate Awarded for Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

*upon successful completion
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