THORS eLearning Solutions

Robotics Fundamentals


The THORS Robotics Fundamentals course introduces the learners to the structure, the design, the components, and the classification of robots, in addition to providing a comprehensive understanding of industrial robots and robotic technology.
Learning Hours: 2.5

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Course Description

The advancements in the field of robotics have enhanced the working conditions for humans and increased productivity in the manufacturing, military, and service industries. Explore the world of robotics through the THORS Robotics Fundamentals Course. The course introduces the learners to the structure, the design, the components, and the classification of robots, in addition to providing a comprehensive understanding of industrial robots and robotic technology.

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Who will benefit from this Robotics Fundamentals course?

Quality, manufacturing, engineering, designing, purchasing, and sales functions at organizations that require a basic understanding of robots.

Course Classification

This manufacturing course by THORS eLearning Solutions covers identification of key terms and understanding of key concepts.

*THORS uses the Bloom’s Taxonomy Methodology for our course development.

Certificate Awarded for Robotics Fundamentals

Example of certificate awarded upon successful completion of the course.

*upon successful completion

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Learning Objectives

  1. Define the importance of robots and the field of robotics.
  2. Understand the basic anatomy of robots.
  3. Identify the mechanical structure of robots.
  4. Examine the different components of the electrical system including actuators and sensors.
  5. Explain the different ways robots are programmed and controlled to perform various tasks.
  6. Classify robots based on design, locomotion, application, control, and special features.
Robotics Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Anatomy of Robots
    1. Mechanical Structure
      1. Manipulator
        1. Links
        2. Joints
          1. Prismatic Joints
          2. Revolute Joints
      2. End Effectors
        1. Grippers
          1. Mechanical Grippers
          2. Vacuum Grippers
          3. Magnetic Grippers
          4. Adhesive Grippers
          5. Inflatable Bladder Grippers
      3. Tools
      4. Probes
    2. Electrical System
      1. Actuators
      2. Sensors
        1. Light Sensors
        2. Sound Sensors
        3. Temperature Sensors
        4. Tactile Pressure Sensors
        5. Tilt Sensors
        6. Vision and Imaging Sensors
        7. Proximity Sensors
        8. Limit Switches
    3. Control System
      1. Processing Unit
      2. Interface
  2. Robot Classification
    1. Classification by Design
      1. Serial Robots
      2. Parallel Robots
    2. Classification by Locomotion
      1. Stationary Robots
        1. Cartesian Robots
        2. Cylindrical Robots
        3. Spherical Robots
        4. Articulated Robots
        5. SCARA Robots
        6. Stewart Platforms
      2. Non-Stationary Robots
        1. Wheeled Robots
        2. Legged Robots
        3. Track Robots
        4. Crawling Robots
        5. Aquatic Robots
        6. Flying Robots
    3. Classification by Application
      1. Industrial Robots
      2. Military Robots
      3. Service Robots
    4. Classification by Control
      1. Teleoperated Robots
      2. Autonomous Robots
    5. Special Types of Robots
      1. Unmanned Robotic Vehicles
        1. Unmanned Ground Vehicles
        2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
        3. Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
        4. Autonomous Mobile Robots
      2. Cobots
      3. Microrobots and Nanorobots

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